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Team RSVP Process

Team participants have a number of EVENTS (meets, performances, training camps, etc) that are included as part of their program.

Generally these events are organized by TEAM GROUP (we include your child's TEAM GROUP in all RSVP emails).

After you register in the Fall, these events can be seen in your Uplifter Calendar (you need to be logged in to see them).

More helpful info for the events in the button below.

Helpful info sheet page

Glacier requires parents to confirm their intent to participate in all events before we enroll their child.
This is accomplished through the RSVP Process done 3-4 times each season.

RSVP email

  • Prior to enrolling your gymnast in an event - the Club will circulate an RSVP email to families.
  • Parents must respond by the advertised deadline.
  • Response must be completed by using the online form.
    Glacier staff have been instructed to help you with this process - it is quick and easy. They will not complete the RSVP for you.

After the Deadline

  • After the deadline we will update our lists accordingly.
  • Uplifter Calendars will be adjusted.
  • Confirmed participants will be enrolled in the event.
  • You will continue to receive emails about the event - including future schedule information.

If You Don't RSVP

  • Your gymnast will be removed from the list.
  • Your Uplifter calendar will no longer show the event.
  • You will no longer receive emails about the event.

No Show Policy

  • A great deal of extra work is created when a gymnast does not show up for the events they have RSVP'd to attend. Oftentimes there are other gymnasts who would gladly use the space if we could offer it to them.
  • We expect parents to give as much advance notice as possible if something has changed or a problem has arisen that will stop your child from attending.
  • A $50 administrative charge may be levied for athletes who do not show up at the event / meet and the Club has not been notified of their absence.
  • Repeat occurrences may result in loss of priority registration privileges.


If you have siblings in the program, please follow the links provided in your email and only RSVP the gymnast named.

In most cases you will receive separate emails for each sibling as their Event Schedule is likely not be the same.

If you are RSVPing siblings for the same Event - Please submit a 2nd form (unfortunately multiple registration is not supported on a single form at this time).


We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Gold Level Sponsors


  Silver Level Sponsors


Bronze Level Sponsors