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Fall 2024 Team Registration & Season Start

Updated on Aug 26,2024

Due to ongoing roof repairs on the city building where we hold our programs, we will need to postpone our start date until November.

Alternative Locations

Training at alternative locations may be possible, however these options are limited and likely won't accommodate all levels / age groups. Planning is currently underway and will be circulated as soon as possible.  Families will be emailed directly with information that applies specifically to your gymnast(s). The team webpage will be updated regularly in coming days.

Gym Suits & Uniforms

Team wear orders will still need to be submitted to the suppliers on the normal timeline (end of Sep / early Oct). A system to complete these orders will be circulated soon.  Payment for team wear will be required to complete your order (in advance of our return to classes in the Civic Centre).

Membership Fees:  Gymnastics BC - Glacier Membership - Insurance Coverage

Team families will be required to complete the 2024-25 Membership enrolment in advance of our return to the Civic Centre facility in November. As usual, these costs will be due at the time of processing. This will either be done online in September, or in-person.

 More updates for Team will be posted on this page


The following information is from the 2023 season
(updates will be posted in time for Registration)

Team Member's Handbook and Participation Requirements

Please read them thoroughly before Team Registration Appointment.

Team Member’s Handbook

Team Program - Participation Requirements

Team Uniform Requirements

Join our Board of Directors

See more details & join

Team Events Calendar

Kootenay Cup Competition

February 7th, 8th and 9th, 2020- Castelgar held their annual Kootenay Cup Competition! We had so Glacier gymnasts attended this fun event- what a blast!

Great West Gym Fest

February 20th-23rd 2020- Our lovely Glacier Gymnasts at Coeur d'Alene for the fansatic Great West Gym Fest Compeitition!

Judges Cup Competition

January 25th and 26th, 2020- We hosted our annual Judges Cup! What a huge success!


Spokane's Flip Fest!

The first competition of 2020! A group of gymnasts and a few coaches headed down to Spokane for Flip Fest January 17th and 18th. What a fun event to start off our Competition season!


We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors