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BC Championships Xcel 2025 Information Sheet

Current for Feb 26,2025

Competition Registration Fee


This event is extra and you will be billed this amount to attend.


BC Championships - Xcel

April 17-18, 2025



Langley Events Centre - 7888 200 St, Langley Twp, BC V2Y 3J4

Venue Website

Parking and Transit:

Free parking is located all around the Langley Events Centre (LEC). There are a limited number of accessible parking spots available near Gate 3 and 7. It is recommended that you arrive as early as possible to secure an accessible parking spot. Electric Parking is located near Gate 4. LEC is accessible by public transit. 




All Xcel gymnasts must qualify first to attend the Championships - this will happen at one of their earlier meets (Glacier Fest or Key City or Kelowna Invitational). We will notify you once your child has qualified

Competition Attire

It’s very important that at a competition of this caliber, the gymnasts are following the Team Uniform mandate. If gymnasts choose to wear shorts, they must wear competition shorts that match the colour/fabric of the competition team suit (black) and they may not have colour or  logos on them that are larger than a quarter (for example, the shorts with the rhinestone bear logo won’t work).

Photo Pre-Order:

Professional gymnastics photography will be available at this year’s Championships, captured by gymnastics-specialized photographer Luke O’Geil. With over seven years of experience covering provincial, national, and international competitions, Luke has worked with Alberta Gymnastics, GymBC, GymSask, and Gymnastics Canada, delivering high-quality images that highlight the artistry and athleticism of the sport.

Why Pre-Order?

  • Guaranteed coverage – Only pre-ordered athletes receive dedicated photography.

  • Hand-picked images – Select your favorite images from a private gallery.

  • Expert gymnastics photography – Capturing peak action with precision and artistry.

Limited spots are available. Secure coverage before sessions reach capacity.

Reserve Your Spot

 For any questions, please contact Luke O’Geil Photography at


All athletes must pick up their accreditation badge from the accreditation table before attending the event. 


Tickets are available at the door accepting cash, debit, or credit.

Type Cost 
Day Pass Weekend Pass
Adult (18+) $21 $36
Child/Senior $13 $21
Children (Under 5) Free
Family of 4 $56 $81


GymBC is excited to be livestreaming the GymBC Championships Events in 2025! Livestream information will be available for purchase and viewing on:

 HomeTeam Network


There will be a concession on-site, accepting cash, debit, or credit. 

GymBC Championships Bodysuit GymGear

GymBC Championships Bodysuits are available! Click here to pre-order yours by March 30, 2025.

Travel Subsidy

GymBC is pleased to annually allocate targeted funds to contribute towards travel costs for athletes (age 18 years and under) who attended the GymBC Championships events. For more information, and details on how to apply, click here.


This is a draft schedule only and may change following March 25th. The current age splits are subject to change! Please keep this in mind when making travel arrangements. We recommend you book your hotels for all days that might be required and then cancel what you don’t need once the schedule is confirmed. 

Thursday, April 17


Opening Ceremonies 10:00-10:15 (Optional event for Glacier Gymnasts)


Session 4   15:45 – 18:15 Xcel Silver Sept 2012-July 2013 


Session 5  18:30 – 21:00 Xcel Silver Aug 2012 -Older 


Friday, April 18 


Session 6   07:30 - 10:00 Xcel Silver Sept 2014 -Younger 


Session 7  10:15 – 12:45 Xcel Silver Aug 2013-Aug 2014 


Session 8  13:00 – 15:30 Xcel Gold June 2012-Younger 


Session 9  15:45 – 18:15 Xcel Gold July 2010-May 2012 


Session 10  18:30-21.00 Xcel Gold June 2010-Older 

Please arrive at the venue early.

  • Gymnasts should be changed and ready to go no later than 15 minutes prior to the listed warm up times.
  • Gymnasts are not allowed on the floor until the start of general warm up.


We ask that in the event of an unforeseen circumstance that prevents your gymnast from otherwise attending, please call the office or your coach as soon as you know. We appreciate getting as much notice as possible. Ph: (250) 352-2227 or email

No Show Policy

A great deal of time, effort and expense are invested in attending the various meets & competitions throughout the season. Accurate participant lists are essential to providing our gymnasts the best experience possible. Parents are expected to notify the Club if they will not be attending an event. No Show Gymnasts (those who are on our list, but fail to attend), create a significant amount of unnecessary work and are subject to an administration fee.



We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors

Gold Level Sponsors


  Silver Level Sponsors


Bronze Level Sponsors