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Teamwear Order Payment

This page is applied for Team Groups:

Comp G


Mandatory Requirements:

Suit # 2

Competition Shorts (matching the suit)

Team Jacket or Hoodie

Team Bag

Optional Items:
Extra Scrunchie


Need assistance? please email us at

Payment - Add Items to Your Cart

Team wear order must be purchased through the Uplifter Platform.

Each item you wish to order must be added to your shopping cart

Add the quantity of the items and click the green buttons to add them to your shopping cart.

  1. Check items in your shopping cart thoroughly before processing payment.
  2. Complete payment.
  3. If you wish to check your paid invoices to ensure the payment went through, please see them here (Uplifter Login required).


- Mandatory: 

Suit # 2

Competition Shorts

Team Hoodie or Team Jacket 


Team Bag


- Optional:

Extra Scrunchie

Need assistance? please email us at


We acknowledge the financial support of the Province of British Columbia

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors