Zone Championships Volunteer 2025
Families with a gymnast participating in the Zone Championships, are REQUIRED TO VOLUNTEER for at least one of the jobs (before, during or after the event, must be adult).
There was $100.00 deposit fee included in your monthly installments paying for gymnastics fee, after you finish your volunteer requirement, we will refund that amount by applying it to pay for the next month fees.
As you can see (below), a huge amount of work goes into hosting this competition event. It also brings in a significant amount of income towards the Club's annual budget. It's success depends on the help of Team Families and Volunteers! Which is why there's a volunteer requirement.
Volunteer Credits
Each volunteer position is worth a certain number of hours; on the Sign Up Page these hours are listed as “Credits”.
eg. Fundraising Folders - 2 credits / means it will take approx. two hours to complete
Completed volunteer work is valued at $10 / per hour that is applied to your account against your fees.
Job Description
Please look at these job description before Signing up.
Sign Up Links
Only Adults can volunteer for these jobs.
Please show up at least 10 minutes before the start time.